Cards of Hope
Who are the cards for:
These cards will be going to food pantry guests and volunteers throughout the greater-Richmond area including: Welbourne UMC's food pantry, Belmont Community Resource Sources, Centenary UMC's Friday Ministry, and Sherbourne UMC's food pantry. Many of these guests are English, Spanish, or Arabic-speaking.
How do I deliver them:
See above for ways to deliver the cards through mail and drop off locations throughout the Richmond area.
What to say:
A message of inspiration. The recipients of these cards are coming from all ages, races, and religions - so please no references to religion so they are all-inclusive. A nice picture or drawing is always nice too.
A great message: You are amazing! Here are other ways to share this message.
Cards in English, Spanish, and Arabic are needed.
Mask Collection
Who are the cards for:
Pace partners with several community outreach programs that need masks. When you make or buy masks as part of Pace's Mask Collection, you are supporting food pantries, programs helping families struggling with distance learning, and the development of women’s circles made up of immigrants from south and central America.
How do I deliver them:
See above for ways to deliver the cards through mail and drop off locations throughout the Richmond area.
How to collect masks:
You can buy or make the masks.
There are lots of ways to make masks. Use your favorite pattern. All sizes are needed, but please label kid sizes. Below you will find a video with some easy instructions.
Donate money for masks:
If you would like to instead give money towards the purchase of masks please do so by donating to support the work of Belmont Community Resources Center here.